How to be a Good Team Player in Oil and Gas

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How to be a Good Team Player in Oil and Gas

Build a culture of empathy and trust. That’s Deloitte Managing Partner Amy Chronis’ top tip on how to be a good team player in the oil and gas industry.

“The ability to put yourself in a colleague’s shoes, whether on a personal or professional level, is an important but often overlooked element of successful teams,” Chronis told Rigzone.

“Seeing issues from another person’s perspective can build trust among colleagues, foster collaboration and creativity and can come with another added benefit; the ability to foresee roadblocks and opportunities,” Chronis added.

“This is especially useful in the oil and gas industry,” the Deloitte representative continued.

Building a collaborative team environment doesn’t happen overnight though, Chronis warned.

“It’s a long-term process requiring strong yet supportive leadership and ongoing engagement from team members,” Chronis stated.

“A good place for leaders to start is by setting a positive tone at the top, encouraging idea-sharing and dialogue among team members, periodically requesting performance feedback and being transparent about organizational changes and any challenges the team is facing,” the Deloitte managing partner added.

“Oil and gas workers can hone their teamwork skills by mastering the art of empathy, listening more than talking, stopping themselves when they make assumptions about colleagues and making an effort to validate other people’s perspectives,” Chronis continued.

Offering his top tip on how to be a good team player in the oil and gas sector, the director of UK based oil and gas advisory services company Apex Consulting Ltd, Muktadir Ur Rahman, said, “share information, knowledge, experience and contacts openly, both with your team members and your colleagues in the wider organization.”

Looking at how professionals could master this tip, the Apex Consulting representative gave the following advice.

“Read widely and think deeply … network extensively and broadly … proactively share any interesting news/article/information that you may come across with people who might be interested … if you believe that you have the right skills to help your colleague, then offer your help.”

Energy recruitment firm Petroplan’s North America Managing Director, Huw Rothwell, told Rigzone that to be a good team player, “you must always deliver on what you say you are going to do and within the agreed timeframe.”

“Always deliver, but if there are unforeseen challenges to delivering flag them up and communicate them as soon as possible. A strong team is comprised of people who all deliver what they promise,” Rothwell added.

Giving his advice on how to be a good team player in the oil and gas industry, Gladney B. Darroh, president and CEO of Houston based energy sector recruiter Piper-Morgan, said, “be solutions oriented and share the glory.”

“Know your industry. Take advantage of continuous learning opportunities (attend all company sponsored training programs, attend professional seminars and mixers, volunteer for extra duties large and small). Respect your co-workers,” he added.

David Brett, business development manager at EM&I (Resources) Ltd – a global organization providing asset integrity, inspection and specialized repair and maintenance services to the oil, gas and energy industries – said, “praise in writing whenever possible always goes down well.”

Offering further tips on how to be a good team player in the oil and gas sector, Brett said, “consulting colleagues and thanking them for their advice might help.” The EM&I (Resources) representative added that “listening carefully, acting on their advice and letting them know the outcome could also help to build up a good working relationship.”

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